ARS W9PCi - Central Point, Oregon

 145.330 / 444.100
146.620 / 444.200
147.060 / 147.240 / 444.300
IRLP Nodes 7700 / 3414 / 3383
Echolink Node 385956

ARES - Amateur Radio Emergency Services

Link to the "Official" ARES of Collier County website (ARESCC)

ARESCC is committed to provide emergency amateur radio services throughout Collier County. 


The Bureau of Emergency Services (BES) station is intended to be operational with ARESCC personnel during declared emergencies or as needed for emergent communications.

Various stations are operating not only at the BES location but also using repeaters and member stations located throughout Collier County.


  • IC-5100 powered by an Astron 30A PS
  • X50A Vertical on rooftop
  • Backup power is provided by facility
  • Photos

Sta 71 - Repeater (147.030+PL136.5}

  • DR-2X Fusion Repeater powered by an Astron 30A PS
  • Duplexer -
  • 4-Bay Commercial Vertical on nearby Tower
  • Backup power is provided by facility
  • Photos

Typical Ares Equipment

W9PCI - Arlen

  • Mobile - 2021 GMC Sierra 3500 4x4
    • FTM-400 w/Diamond "Super Gainer" SG7900ANMO VHF / UHF - Photo- Photo2 - Photo3 - Info Sheet
    • Portable tri-pod, mast & Diamond X50A and/or VHF/UHF beam - Photo
    • IC-7100  w/Scorpion Vertical (75 - 10m) & capability to setup VHF / UHF / HF portable antennas
    • Photos

ARESCC Simulated Emergency Test (SET)

Simulated Emergency Test (SETs) are performed routinely by ARESCC members to evaluate strengths and weaknesses in emergency preparedness and communications, and to demonstrate amateur radio to the public of Collier County.

Simulated Emergency Test (SET) & ARESCC Supported Events

  • October 19, 2023 - The purpose of this SET is to evaluate the coverage of two repeaters and effectiveness of "Simplex" communications in Collier County.  Net Control was W9PCI operating from his QTH using a 2m radio with a Diamond X50A at about 25'.
  • January 6-7, 2024 - Communications support to the Naples bike race using KB0JL's portable repeater which was setup on the top floor of the Naples parking structure.
  • April 18, 2024 - North Collier County Simplex communication exercise.  The purpose of the SET was to evaluate ability to communicate using Simplex operations throughout North Collier County.  Data was collected and reported by Rob (WB0JL) to the ARESCC members and others.

FEMA NIMS Training - National Incident Management System (Link)

FEMA provides training materials to help volunteers operate within the NIMS / ICS during emergencies.  All ARESCC members should complete both the ICS100 and ICS200 courses.  These courses will familiarize responders with the ICS structure to better integrate when emergent events arise and the agencies who respond when called.

  • ICS100 - Introduction to the Incident Command System
  • ICS200 - Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response

ICS Forms

  • Link to FEMA ICS Resource Center - Forms.  Download from FEMA site for latest versions.
  • OFFLINE Forms - Use when FEMA site is down. These forms may NOT be latest versions.


"Go-Box" aka "To-Go-Kits" should be available to all emergency responders and need to be included in your "Grab-and-Go" items.  Below are examples of kits built specifically for emergency communications:

WB0JL - Rob's "Go-Box"
K1NEW - Tom's "Go-Box"
  • "Radio" in a portable case - Latest version in Excel format Latest Version in PDF
W9PCI - Arlen's "Go-Box"
  • TBD - "Radio" in a portable case - Latest version in Excel format Latest Version in PDF



Ham Tips

The following information may be useful when using amateur radios to communicate with others who share the hobby.

  1. Simplex Operation Choice

The ARRL has, at its website,  a set of tables of the band plans for virtually all amateur radio operation.  Here is their table for 2m:

2 Meters (144-148 MHz)

144.00-144.05 EME (CW)
144.05-144.10 General CW and weak signals
144.10-144.20 EME and weak-signal SSB
144.200 National calling frequency
144.200-144.275 General SSB operation
144.275-144.300 Propagation beacons
144.30-144.50 New OSCAR sub band
144.50-144.60 Linear translator inputs
144.60-144.90 FM repeater inputs
144.90-145.10 Weak signal and FM simplex (145.01,03,05,07,09 are widely used for packet)
145.10-145.20 Linear translator outputs
145.20-145.50 FM repeater outputs
145.50-145.80 Miscellaneous and experimental modes
145.80-146.00 OSCAR sub band
146.01-146.37 Repeater inputs
146.40-146.58 Simplex
146.52 National Simplex Calling Frequency
146.61-146.97 Repeater outputs
147.00-147.39 Repeater outputs
147.42-147.57 Simplex
147.60-147.99 Repeater inputs

Notes: The frequency 146.40 MHz is used in some areas as a repeater input. This band plan has been proposed by the ARRL VHF-UHF Advisory Committee.

The above table shows simplex operation using frequencies 146.400 - 146.580 with the "National Simplex Calling Frequency - 146.520.  There is a secondary set of simplex frequencies 147.420 - 147.570.  The ARRL band plan is useful as a guideline but be aware; many hams will use 146.520 or 146.525 as their "go to" simplex 2m frequencies.  The other frequencies are often a part of emergency radio "ops" simplex frequencies.

For example, 146.400, 146.500 and 146.600 are common ARES frequency choices.  So if you are a mobile traveler on vacation driving around the United States, you may run into "local" ARES folks using these common frequencies.  If you hear traffic and causing interference with local operations, please QSY to another frequency at least 25kHz either side of the frequency and listen to see if anyone is using the simplex frequency.

The ARRL 70cm (440Mhz) UHF band plan chart is shown below:

70 Centimeters (420-450 MHz)

420.00-426.00 ATV repeater or simplex with 421.25 MHz video carrier control links and experimental
426.00-432.00 ATV simplex with 427.250-MHz video carrier frequency
432.00-432.07 EME (Earth-Moon-Earth)
432.07-432.10 Weak-signal CW
432.10 70-cm calling frequency
432.10-432.30 Mixed-mode and weak-signal work
432.30-432.40 Propagation beacons
432.40-433.00 Mixed-mode and weak-signal work
433.00-435.00 Auxiliary/repeater links
435.00-438.00 Satellite only (internationally)
438.00-444.00 ATV repeater input with 439.250-MHz video carrier frequency and repeater links
442.00-445.00 Repeater inputs and outputs (local option)
445.00-447.00 Shared by auxiliary and control links, repeaters and simplex (local option)
446.00 National simplex frequency
447.00-450.00 Repeater inputs and outputs (local option)

The 70cm band plan is similar to the 2m and other ARRL band plans whereas there are specific frequencies for "calling" frequencies, repeaters, beacons, weak-signal work, satellite and EME, etc.  The SIMPLEX frequencies in the 440/70cm band plan are 432.100 - a "calling" frequency, 446.000 National Simplex frequency, and 445.000 - 447.000 which is shared with auxiliary and control links, repeaters and SIMPLEX by local option. 

For example, if you were to choose 446.100 for simplex in most cities with "drive-thru" burger and coffee stores, you may find that your radio squelch will open numerous times with garble voice or even data sounds when driving around metro areas.  This is due to these establishments using poorly regulated radio systems that generate harmonics that "bleed-over" in the 440 Ham bands.  If you move just a few kHz + or - from the even 446.100, for example, you may find it to be clear all over metro areas or pick another simplex frequency.

There are other UHF "public" operations that may cause your "chosen UHF"  frequency to open your squelch which may be contributed to automated remote water meter readers operating near the 440 UHF band.  Data signals from pumping stations operated by city public works to control pumping stations for water, sewage, canal water, etc. may also open you squelch.  These signals generally affect your radio if you are "close" in proximity to these transmitters; so only a few hundred feet or a couple blocks may make all the difference if you have interference.

Amateur operators use the 440 UHF band for cross-band (X-band) operation on dual band radios that accommodate the X-band operation.  If you plan to setup a X-band operation using one of the many dual-band mobile radios, try to set the "simplex" side to a 440 frequency that doe not end in .n00, (e.g., 446.100 should be avoided and perhaps 446.115 or 445.990 will work).