About ARS - W9PCi
Currently located in
Collier County in Naples, Florida. Arlen Hatlestad - W9PCi is currently licensed by the Federal Communications Commission with Extra Class operator privileges. Originally licensed as a Novice in Loves Park, Illinois inspired from "Morse-code" merit badge while in the Boy Scouts with subsequent licensing in Illinois (WN/A9CLU) and
after staying in California (WB6KBB) after discharge from the US
ARMY Signal Corps.
I also am an ARRL - VEC with current credentials for Extra Class Exams.
Various stations are operating not only at the Roxy Ann location but also repeaters located around the Rogue Valley.
- IC-756
- AT2K Tuner
- IC-2KL
- Array Solutions PowerMaster 3KW
- 75/40m "Double Bazooka" Trap Dipole fed with LMR400
- Flex 6500 w/Maestro
- KPA-1500
- Base Station
- FTM-400
- TM-V71
- Diamond X50-HN x3 on roof-top
- Handhelds
- FT-2DR
- ID-51A Anniversary
- Baofung V5-R & Tenway UV-5R Pro
- IC-02AT
- IC-03AT
- IC-04AT
- Kenwood TM-V71
- Kenwood TH-D7A
- Repeaters / Controllers
- rPi Controller
- RLC-1+ Controller 2 Ports (on loan to RVM ARS)
- RLC-1 Controller 2 Ports
- RLC-Club Controller 3 Ports
- RLC-Club Deluxe II Controller 6 Ports
- RLC-2a Controller 3 Ports
- RLC-3 Controller 8 Ports
- RLC-4 Controller 4 Ports
- Yaesu DR-2X - VHF 145.330 / 444.300
- 6" - 6 Cavity Band Pass-Notch VHF Duplexer
- 4 Cavity Band Pass-Notch UHF Duplexer
- Diamond X500-HNX Vertical
- GE Master II - UHF 444.200
- 6 Cavity Band Pass-Notch Duplexer
- Diamond X500-HNX Vertical
- GE Master II - VHF 146.620
- 4" - 6 Cavity Band Pass-Notch Duplexer
- Diamond X50-HN Vertical
- Motorola MSF-5000 - 145.330
- 6" - 6 Cavity Band Pass-Notch VFH Duplexer
- Motorola Micor UHF 444.100
- Motorola Band Pass-Notch Duplexer
- Dual Rx (VHF / UHF)
- Yaesu C4FM DR-2X Repeater VHF 147.060 Fixed C4FM mode
- 7700 - Being reconfigured
- 3414 - Being reconfigured
- 3383 - Connected to 146.620
- Echolink
- Node 387956 - Currently standalone but expected to be connected to a Motorola Micor UHF repeater (444.100).
- HF Remote
- HRD remote software for IC-756
- Flex SDR s/w for Flex 6500
- KPA-1500 Amplifier / Tuner
- FTM-400
GMC Denali HD 3500 w/Diamond VHF / UHF
- IC-7100 GMC
Denali HD 3500 w/Scorpion (75 - 10m)
- TM-480HX
- Metron 1000B 1Kw mobile amplifier with PowerMaster
- Diamond Glass mount dual band VFH / UHF
- Camping antenna is long wire and various vintage verticals including a Swan 55, Webster Bandspanner, W6AAQ's "muffler" antenna, etc.