ARS W9PCi - Central Point, Oregon

 145.330 / 444.100
146.620 / 444.200
147.060 / 147.240 / 444.300
IRLP Nodes 7700 / 3414 / 3383
Echolink Node 385956

Repeaters - Southern Oregon

Southern Oregon has numerous repeaters in both the VHF and UFH as well as 6M.  Most of these repeaters are generally operational and open to all licensed hams.  You are encouraged to use these repeaters and often.  Many hours of time have been spent building, modifying, supporting and updating these repeaters and lack of use may be a reason to lessen the efforts needed to maintain and work with our community partners to secure good sites for these repeaters. 

We have a generous community supporting amateur radio - Local Governments, Regional Government Agencies, local commercial site owners / managers, private individuals both licensed and unlicensed and many of the Emergency Agencies / Groups.  Please start NETS, Chat groups, promote new hams to improve their operational skills not only with repeater use / offsets / PL / DCS / Digital Modes, etc. but also on how to use the radios they own to communicate and enjoy HAM radio. 

W9PCi Repeaters - System Fusion Digital Repeater 147.060/444.300

The W9PCI Fusion Repeater has been moved to my QTH where it has an Internet connection.  Please use it so that I may gain information regarding coverage in So. Oregon.  It is in "Mode AMS" which uses the signal received to determine either Digital Mode (DM) and will only operate in either DM or Voice Wide Digital Mode (VM) OR in conventional FM Mode.  If you have a camera "mic", please let me know how your photos look; remember, you can send documents by taking photos of them similar to how you may have used your smartphone.

Some history... A Yaesu DR-1X became available as of April 6, 2015 for use by all licensed amateur radio operators.  This repeater was replaced by the upgraded Fusion repeater - DR-2X w/LAN option.

As funds and time permits, there are plans to add this repeater to the "Wires-X"  via IMRS network for world-wide communications similar to Icom's DStar digital network.  There are many other features available with the "System Fusion" repeater - too many to list here.  Please check out the Yaesu site for more on the new features like "messaging", APRS locator, Group Operations, sending quality Photos digitally from user to user, etc.  Click on... YAESU.COM "System Fusion" and look at the FM400R, FT1R, FT2R, FT991, DR-1X and newer System Fusion (SF) radios.

Many interesting "YouTube" videos are on the Internet that show how the new Yaesu "System FUSION" works and may be used to improve FM communications in the 2m and UHF bands.

W9PCi Repeaters - EchoIRLP

EchoIRLP has been added to the 444.200 repeater.  This repeater has a PL of 100.  I have added a new rPi used for EchoIRLP.  When in service, the following procedures are recommended.

For IRLP, enter the 4 digit node or Reflector number - see for details.  For Echolink, you must enter a "pre-access" code and then the Echolink node or Conference number.  The "pre-access" code is DTMF "A3" without the quotes.

For example...

LISTEN...LISTEN...LISTEN to the repeater to be sure it is not currently in use.  IDENTIFY your station.  Be courteous and encourage others to use the repeater and the EchoIRLP network.

To connect to IRLP Reflector 9999...
    key your radio, IDENTIFY by saying your call sign, announce that you intend to use IRLP - unkey
    key your radio and enter DTMF 9999 - unkey
To disconnect from an IRLP node or Reflector...
    key your radio and enter DTMF 73 - unkey
To connect to Echolink Conference A39999...
    key your radio, IDENTIFY by saying your call sign, announce that you intended to use Echolink - unkey
To disconnect from an Echolink node or Conference...
    key your radio and enter DTMF 73 - unkey

 If you don't connect or disconnect right away, it may be due to not having enough signal for the controller to decode your DTMF tones.  Try again.  If no success, raise power level, reposition your radio if handheld, or use an outside antenna.  If you have a beam, point it towards Roxy Ann;  it is located at approximately 2,000' and just off Foothill.

The EchoIRLP has timers that expire if you connect and are unable to "disconnect", the repeater will issue the "disconnect" codes automatically.  For example, if the repeater receiver does not have any activity for a specified amount of time, it will issue an auto-disconnect.  If you have a favorite node, conference or Reflector you wish to listen to, let me know and I'll provide a "special" code that will lengthen the timeout timer.

Have fun and enjoy radio.

W9PCi IRLP node 3383, 3414 & 7700 - IRLP REFLECTOR User Requirements

Once again it is necessary to implement “special” access codes for IRLP "Reflector" use on W9PCi.  This applies to only some of our repeaters.  Please send an email requesting your access code.  The access code is yours and may not be given to anyone.

If you have been given an access code you may permit licensed HAM operators, of your choice, to access an IRLP REFLECTOR but you must bring up the REFLECTOR, monitor REFLECTOR use and bring REFLECTOR down when the user you are monitoring finishes.  It is your responsibility to be sure that operators adhere to good operator practice and, above all, be courteous and helpful.  You are also responsible for adherence to REFLECTOR owner procedures.

It is your responsibility to monitor all transmissions and to terminate IRLP REFLECTOR use if you determine misuse.  If it becomes necessary to terminate use of the IRLP REFLECTOR connection, please send an email explaining the reason.  Your email is voluntary and not required but may be helpful to better serve other users of the repeaters. 


All other IRLP Connections (for example,  any "node to node" connection and any "ECHO" Reflector), do not use a code; simply ID, ask if the repeater is in use by anyone and if not, enter the 4 digits of the IRLP Node or "ECHO" Reflector you are calling.  Remember to ID at proper intervals and to bring down the IRLP connection when finished.  It is always a good practice to provide a few seconds delay between transmissions to permit others to join in. 

Most all repeater systems are listened to by young children, visiting operators, their spouses / partners and potential “new” amateur radio operators.  Because of this, you are encouraged use of these systems and to promote the high standard of “esprit de corps”, technical discussions and conversations (rag-chewing) that are prized by the licensed amateur community.

73 & Enjoy Radio - W9PCi

VHF and UFH repeaters are available in southern Oregon.  Click for more information.

ARES - Amateur Radio Emergency Service

Support for local ARES operations in southern Oregon  is provided by W9PCi VHF, UHF and IRLP repeater systems.  Click for information.

Visit Jackson County ARES/RACES

RMS Gateway Map - Status of local stations